Brotherhood of Gamers
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Chief High Elder
Posts : 16
Join date : 2022-12-21
Age : 31
Location : Seattle

Ranks 12/26/2022 Empty Ranks 12/26/2022

Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:24 am
Here are the forum ranks as of 12/26/2022. I don't believe these will change for the foreseeable future unless we decide on a different structure.

Junior Ranks
Failed Knight: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars9

New Member: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars9

Squire: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars9

Initiate: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars16

Aspirant: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars2

Regular Ranks

Knight: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars3

Senior Knight: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars4

Knight Sergeant: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars5

Knight Captain: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars17

Knight Commander: Ranks 12/26/2022 Stars6

Junior Officer Ranks

Paladin: Ranks 12/26/2022 Sword1

Paladin Commander: Ranks 12/26/2022 Sword2

Star Paladin: Ranks 12/26/2022 Sword3

Senior Officer Ranks:

Sentinel: Ranks 12/26/2022 Sword4

Elder: Ranks 12/26/2022 Sword5

Command Level:

High Elder: Ranks 12/26/2022 Sword6

Chief High Elder: Ranks 12/26/2022 Sword8

Last edited by Tmacewan on Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:47 am; edited 3 times in total
Chief High Elder
Posts : 16
Join date : 2022-12-21
Age : 31
Location : Seattle

Ranks 12/26/2022 Empty Rank Descriptions

Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:15 am
Failed Knight: Anyone who fails training or has been sentenced to the phantom zone of the forum will receive this rank. You must earn the trust back to become a knight again regardless of your previous rank. Failure is not rewarded here and it's rare that you'd get a second chance. However, as I'm more forgiving than some this is the bridge between a complete ban and still being around but heavily restricted.

New Member:
Everyone starts here till they begin their first post which is usually in introductions. This is a good way to set a good first impression to those who will later decide whether you're knight material or not. As the rules say we're not a place for SJW's or Shills. We can also determine people who are rats as well. We want genuine people here and don't just want to fake their way through being bots. You will be manually set to his rank by an administrator.

Squire: This is your first step in becoming a knight. Here is where you can post topics and chat with those higher than you and those of the same rank. You will be manually set to this rank by an Administrator after your first post in the introductions.

Initiate: You've moved to the second step in becoming a knight. Like your first step you continue as you did before but with those of Initiate rank. You've also proven to those that you were ready to move on. The speed of progression through training is based on how well you make an impression on those higher than you.  

Aspirant: You made it to the final stage of training. Here is where you really showcase why you should become a knight. Elders and Sentinels will be more active in this phase as they'll take an interest in your evaluation. At this level, you will be called to be judged by the council to determine whether you're worthy to be a knight.

Knight: Congratulations you've made it as a full member of Brotherhood of Gamers. You will have access to most of the Forum and be in the more active part of the community.

Senior Knight: Usually given to those who have been a Knight for a period of time. You've earned a little more respect when you reach this level.

Knight Sergeant: You've shown a small amount of leadership and proven yourself to the community.

Knight Captain: The second highest level of knight given to those who've shown leadership and earned the respect of a Paladin.

Knight Commander: The highest Level of Knight you're next in line to become a Paladin and be given much more responsibilities. You've earned the trust of an Elder who will watch your progress with great interest.

Paladin: You've earned a powerful position you're no longer a Knight and now you decide who becomes a Knight. As a Paladin you can take a more direct role in those in training and either vote yes or no whether they should be a Knight or not. You've earned the respect and trust with a role as these are the first steps in becoming a Sentinel/moderator.

Paladin Commander: You're given a little leadership over normal Paladins but have the same function as a Paladin. You're earned more respect from the community at this stage.

Star Paladin: Congrats a Sentinel has chosen you to become a Mod in training with the blessing of an Elder or High Elder. You're the highest rank possible without being a moderator of the forum and this is the most respected position of those below you.

Sentinel: As a Sentinel you're a moderator of the forum. You're more directly involved with the development of those under you as you're role is to help build more knights and Paladins. As a Sentinel you may promote a Knight to the rank of Paladin with the permission of an Elder or High Elder. Anyone below Knight or Failed Knight must pass the training in order to be fast tracked. You may participate in the Elder Council but you have no voting power you can be an adviser to your Elder.

Elder: You've made it to Elder you're a senior moderator with much more responsibility and given the power of the ban hammer. You're directly responsible for the Sentinel below you and can either approve or deny fast tracked promotion requests. You're also to take an active role in final stage of a Knight or Failed Knight.

High Elder: A position of rarity as this means I have personally chosen you to be an Admin of the forum. This means I trust you in making decisions that don't require my input directly and you are next in line to be a Chief High Elder if I decide to step down.

Chief High Elder: Owner of the Forum or Highest Ranked Admin/Leader of Forum. Only High Elders can be chosen for this position by the Chief High Elder.

Last edited by Tmacewan on Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:49 am; edited 4 times in total
Chief High Elder
Posts : 16
Join date : 2022-12-21
Age : 31
Location : Seattle

Ranks 12/26/2022 Empty Rank Code

Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:09 am
The rank code is guidelines on ranks and how they should be handled.


Promotions are to be done based on a members activity level, productiveness, and whether or not they have done things to violate the rules. Members who have proven themselves trustworthy should be promoted in a timely manner.

Max Training Time

Squire: Two Weeks, Initiate:Two Weeks, Aspirant: One Week, Knight or Failed Knight: One Week = 6 Weeks maximum.

Training should be done in 6 weeks or less unless external factors prevent this. The main purpose of training is to determine whether the user who joins is genuine and whether they will be a good fit in this community. While this might be tedious it's a good way to see if someone is serious or not. Training should not be used as punishment and should be done under the max time allowed. Ideal times should be less then one to two weeks per member who joins.

Fast Tracked Promotions

Fast tracked promotions must be approved by an Elder or High Elder. However, the member must have finished training and been approved as a Knight. Sentinels may request a member be promoted to Paladin or below. An Elder can either approve or deny this request if approved the Elder must inform the High Elder to change the rank of the member.

Elders can fast track promote a member to Sentinel with a Majority Vote or a Star Paladin with a Simple Majority. Elders can unilaterally promote a member to Paladin Commander or below without a vote. But, they must inform a High Elder of this for the change to take effect. The member is still required to be a knight and have passed training.

High Elders can promote a member to Elder with a simple majority vote. They can unilaterally promote any member to Sentinel and can ignore passing training with approval of the Chief High Elder.

Chief High Elder can promote anybody regardless of training or votes. They should still bring it up in an official manner so it's on record.

Promotion Time for Ranks:

Knight: Within Six weeks.

Senior Knight: two months - if in good standing - not fast tracked from join date

Knight Sergeant: four months - if in good standing - not fast tracked from join date

Knight Captain: six months - if in good standing - not fast tracked from join date

Knight Commander: one year - if in good standing - not fast tracked from join date

Paladin: one and half years - if in good standing - not fast tracked from join date

Paladin Commander:  Two Years - if in good standing - not fast tracked from join date

Star Paladin: Three Years - if in good standing - not fast tracked from join date.

Sentinels: N/A - Requires a Majority vote from Elder Council - If Proposed by Elder

Elder: N/A Requires a simple majority vote from Elder Council -Proposed by High Elder.

High Elder: N/A - Chosen by the Chief High Elder.


Demotion of ranks must be approved by a High Elder and must be done in accordance to the rules. Members who violate the rules or have done question actions can be demoted of rank. Serious violations or members who have become a problem for the community can be sentenced to the Phantom zone with a simple majority vote or unilaterally by the Chief High Elder. Banning a user outright must require permission of the Chief High Elder or a majority vote if unavailable.

Failed Knights - Phantom Zone

This are for members who failed Training or have been sentenced to the Phantom Zone where others will be isolated. You will still be able to post but no one else will see it except for a select few. You'll mainly be speaking to other failed knights and the occasional pop ins from higher ranked members. Escape from this zone can only be done if you prove yourself in there. There is no limit on how long you can be in the Phantom Zone as this is an alternative form of ban.
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Ranks 12/26/2022 Empty Re: Ranks 12/26/2022

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